
Foreword By Dr. Ashley Dabson

Since Hastings Business Training (HBT) started its range of corporate property and facility management training it has grown in popularity. This reflects both the increasing international interest in these subjects and the rapid development of this part of HBT's course portfolio. It is a credit to HBT that it has been able to bring delegates from overseas to Hastings for this training.

One of the strengths of these property and facility management courses is that although they are based on the course catalogue content they are all partially customised to the needs of the delegates. In this way prices can be held at an affordable level while delegates obtain the knowledge advantages of much more expensive courses.

A second strength is that because the courses are designed to be practical rather than theoretical delegates are able to apply the knowledge gained on the course to their work situation. To reinforce this applied focus most of the courses contain site visits where delegates are able to see how the ideas discussed during the course are applied in the UK. These trips also allow delegates to question their hosts.

The third strength of these courses is that they are highly interactive so that any questions that are relevant to the specific circumstances of the delegates can be raised and discussed. This makes these courses both interesting and informative. It also allows the delegates to learn from each other in a dynamic but controlled manner.

Finally, Hastings as a seaside resort, provides an attractive environment in which to learn. It is also reasonably close to Gatwick and not too far from Heathrow and London. This coupled with the hospitality of HBT makes the whole learning experience convenient and pleasantly memorable as well as valuable.

Ashley Dabson Dip (Est. Man), MSc, PhD, FRICS, FRTPI, MCMI, MBIFM .


by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education We are pleased to announce that Hastings Business Training (HBT) has been awarded an accreditation from a UK national accrediting body: the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education (BAC).

Following the inspection conducted by the BAC in December 2009, the BAC's inspectors reported on a good and excellent level of provision in all areas assessed during the inspection. They considered HBT to be a well-managed and well-resourced organisation with a high standard of teaching and service delivery.