Course Information
- Course Price £4895 Plus VAT
- Location UK Courses
- Course Code FOAA
- Course Date 11 Aug - 15 Aug 2025
Course Objectives:
To understand the complexities and unusual circumstances that the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry presents to accountants. To understand the basic concepts and policies which underpin the preparation and presentation of financial statements of companies engaged in oil and gas exploration and production activities.
Who Should Attend?
Planners,accounting personnel in the oil and gas industry
Prerequisite Courses
Course Overview
� Unique features of oil and gas industry and its accounting.
� Accounting for Pre-Development Costs
� Successful efforts and full cost methods
� IFRS 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources
� Non-drilling exploration costs, Drilling exploration costs Development costs, and Production.
� Cost centres.
� Depreciation, depletion and amortization.
� Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
� Dismantlement, restoration and abandonment.
� Asset impairment under both successful efforts and full cost accounting methods.
� Reserves and its uses in accounting, reporting and financial analysis.
� Disclosure requirement relating to oil and gas producing activities.
� Accounting for taxation
Learning Goal
Participants should gain knowledge of:
Course Materials
Course notes