Course Detail

Sustainable Finance – Green Bonds Duration: 1 Week/s

Course Information

  • Course Price
  • Location Morocco Courses
  • Course Code SFGBO
  • Course Date 28 Jul - 1 Aug 2025

Course Objectives

Green bonds are one of the recent most prominent innovations in sustainable finance and hence this interactive and practice-oriented course covers the basics of Sustainable Finance while exploring several opportunities to dig deeper. The course is designed for groups and individuals from the public and private sectors and civil society interested in learning about how sustainable finance can make our economies more sustainable. Within the wider field of sustainable finance, green bond markets have gained substantial attention and experienced significant growth in issuance volumes over the past few years. The dynamic growth in sustainable finance is, however, limited by a general lack of understanding of what sustainable investing is and the benefits it can achieve in comparison to traditional investments. Providing relevant stakeholders with better information and expertise on the topic can enhance the chances of bringing sustainable finance into the mainstream.

Who Should Attend?

This course is relevant to wide range of professionals and managers from all backgrounds. Individual from public and private sectors, Government officials involved in developing policy frameworks for sustainable development and in particular sustainable finance.

Course Overview

Green Bond Introduction

  • Current finance landscape

  • What is sustainable finance

  • Green bond definitions, types, and benefits

  • Evolution of the sustainable debt market

  • Green bonds contribution to the global goals

  • Key challenges for sustainable finance

  • Market stakeholders and their roles

  • Green bonds principles and the existing standards

  • Classification systems, Taxonomy for green assets and projects

  • Green bonds policy landscape

  • Sustainable finance: Policy and Regulation

  • Impact Reporting and Communication

  • Process for Issuing a Bond Labelled Green
  • Pre-issuance – green bond framework and supporting mechanisms

  • Issuance – book building, primary and secondary markets

  • Post-issuance – allocation of proceeds, reporting and audit

  • Green Bond Market Development
  • Status quo of the green bond market – global and regional

  • Sovereign bonds – market evolution, benefits and impacts

  • Transition bonds

  • Learning Goals

    Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to:
  • Understand the Green bond market history, its development, and the differences between different existing labels

  • Appreciate the main principles overarching the issuance of green bonds

  • Explain the requirements for a green bond issuance (from inception to maturity)

  • Understand the content and characteristics of a green bond framework

  • Have knowledge of the parties involved in the green bond issuance process, their roles, and responsibilities

  • Understand the Green bond labelling schemes, including CBI standard

  • Analyse the Market dynamics

  • Understand the Role of regulation and key policy developments around the world.

  • Explain the principles that guide the market participants in green debts markets

  • Identify eligibility criteria for projects to be financed through green bond instruments under the green bond principles.

  • Training Methodology

    The training is highly interactive with extensive discussions, case studies from the industry’s best practices, group work and practical exercises to ensure maximum knowledge impact for the participants.