Course Detail

Budgeting and Performance Management Duration: 1 Week/s

Course Information

  • Course Price
  • Location Morocco Courses
  • Course Code BPMO
  • Course Date 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2025

Course Objectives

This course is designed to introduce delegates to the practical issues application of budgeting from the setting of budgets to the monitoring of budgets and performance measurement in an organisation. Delegates will also be introduced to the ideas of non-financial performance measurement and the balanced scorecard. Examples of case studies will be use to introduce key budgeting techniques and the inevitable negotiating rounds of the budget cycle

Who Should Attend?

Chief Executives, Managers, Operations Managers, HR Managers, Marketing Managers and all functional executives

Prerequisite Courses


Course Overview

• Classify the role of budgeting in the context of the business planning process
• Identify the main methods and types of budgeting
• Differentiate the problems and practical difficulties of budgeting
• Different Budgeting techniques such as incremental and zero based budgeting and their respective advantages and disadvantages
• Rationale for the emergence of non-financial KPIs and the balanced scorecard
• Difficulties and conflicts inherent in devising any performance management system including key behavioural implications that need to be considered
• Reporting, monitoring and tracking of performance measures

Course Materials

Notes, hand outs and exercise materials