Course Detail

Training for Trainers, Coaching & Facilitation Skills Duration: 1 Week/s

Course Information

  • Course Price
  • Location Qatar Courses
  • Course Code TTCFSQ
  • Course Date 5 May - 9 May 2025

Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to help attendees develop skills to be able to train and coach others successfully, use facilitation techniques within training, coaching, meetings and conversations, learn how to create an effective learning process and to effect engagement and memory, develop effective communication skills for training, coaching and interventions and help develop others using a positive interactive process.

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at those who are required to develop knowledge and expertise in others through training sessions, individual coaching, meetings and other learning interventions.

Course Overview

The training is adapted by our expert tutor to meet the precise learning goals of individual attendees. The outline contents are as follows:

  • Introductions and warm up exercise

  • How to effect peoples memory during a learning process

  • Benchmarking and setting of individual learning objectives

  • Achieving effective communication within a learning process

  • How and why people learn

  • The planning mix - for effective training & coaching

  • Planning an effective training session (with applications to coaching & facilitation)

  • Introduction to the training/learning cycle

  • Presenting an effective training session

  • Introduction to facilitation skills - modes of facilitation

  • 12 core facilitation skills for use in training, coaching and learning interventions

  • The importance of using advanced questioning techniques

  • Gaining and maintaining full engagement and active learning

  • Adapting to peoples learning styles - with applications to training, coaching & interventions

  • Gauging reactions, responses and learning achieved

  • Ways to liven up training sessions

  • How to analyse the results of training and coaching sessions

  • How to positively manage important or tricky conversations

  • Key tips for handling unwilling trainees

  • Further advice, tips and coaching as required

  • Course Materials

    The entire programme is fully interactive and provides valuable learning through experience. Teachings and practice sessions, in the main, are likely be given in the same order as described but with possible deviation or alterations depending on delegate objectives, group learning abilities and at the tutors discretion. The tutor will ensure a bespoke approach that caters for each attendee’s personal learning objectives, their speed of preparation for the practice sessions, individual performance and development requirements. Please note that some of the practice sessions include filming and video review