Course Detail

International Law for Oil and Gas Contracting and Negotiation Duration: 1 Week/s

Course Information

  • Course Price
  • Location Qatar Courses
  • Course Code ILOGCN
  • Course Date 15 Sep - 19 Sep 2025

Course Objective

The majority of transactions in international petroleum industry involve the negotiation of Agreements including Production Sharing Contracts, Service Contracts, Joint Venture Operating Agreements, Farm-out Agreements etc.
Negotiation is also an important facet in the resolution of disputes that may arise under these agreements. The negotiating framework for these transactions involves an understanding of the economic and legal issues that are unique to the agreement as well as the application negotiating and drafting skills. The main objective of the seminar is to enhance the participant’s ability to function as part of a negotiating team in the roles of either negotiator, legal or commercial adviser, and draftsman.
Modern oil and gas transactions take place not only in accordance with national laws but also under the shadow of international law and norms relating to the development of cross border oil and gas resources, promotion and protection of foreign investment and dispute resolution. This 5-day course will make increase awareness of such inter-linkages, some of which are not always obvious. Delegates will gain a comprehensive grounding in the international legal framework relating to cross border oil and gas investment promotion and protection, exploration and development and dispute resolution.

Benefits of Attending

Delegates will gain a comprehensive grounding in the best practice for modern petroleum licensing, contracting, negotiation, international law issues and dispute resolution.
This programme provides an opportunity to better understand the commercial and legal issues surrounding oil and gas transactions, structures and agreements successfully to implement oil and gas transactions and projects.
Our expert instructors bring to this programme the benefit of their extensive global experience, spanning many years of practice, teaching and advising governments and companies in the oil and gas sector, to address current industry challenges including licensing, contracting, negotiation and dispute resolution.

Prerequisite Courses


Course Overview

  • The Oil and Gas Industry: Overview and Trends - Policy, Legal and Contractual Framework Design of Petroleum Allocation Systems

  • The Design of Petroleum Allocation Systems

  • The practice of promotion and licensing

  • The impact of domestic law, policy and the national institutions on the licensing process

  • Issues in negotiations, technical, fiscal and contractual

  • ABC’s of Petroleum Contracts: License-Concession Agreements, joint venture, and production sharing

  • Principles for Responsible Contracts - How to Negotiate the ‘Right’ Petroleum Contract

  • State Participation and State-Owned Enterprises Roles, Benefits and Challenges

  • Local Content Initiatives: Enhancing the Subnational Benefits of the Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors

  • Model Clauses

  • Farm Outs

  • Joint Operating Agreements (JOA)

  • Stability in International Contracts for Hydrocarbons

  • Exploration

  • Renegotiation of Petroleum Agreements

  • Issues in the exploration and development of transboundary oil and gas resources

  • Instruments and institutions for energy arbitration

  • Recent and relevant cases of arbitration on the energy industry

  • The role of mediation and other ADR mechanisms for the energy industry

  • Resolving tax-related energy investment disputes

  • Course Materials:

    Course notes, handouts